Q: How To Reach Samthar?
A: Nearest town to Samthar is Kalimpong which is 40 Kms. You can take shared jeep to Kalimpong, then reserve a car to reach our homestay. Alternatively you can take take direct reserved car from NJP/Siliguri which is 65 kms, Bagdogra Airport is about 70 Kms. You can also reserve cars from Darjeeling/ Gangtok/etc. to reach Samthar Homestay.
Q: What are the nearest places worth visiting from Samthar?
A: From Samthar you can visit the following places in an day excursions:
- Kalimpong- Visit the Durpin Monastery, Deolo Park, Pine view, Morgan House, are some of the prime attractions of the town.
- Lava, Lolegaon & Rishop- Lava is famous for its Monastery and Nature Interpretation Center, Lolegaon another small village surrounded by pine forests and also Lolegaon Eco park is a must visit. Rishop boasts the second highest peak of Bengal, Tiffin Dhara offers the best view of the Kunchenjunga Range.
- Neora Valley National Park- At a distance of 61 Kms it is one of the most unexplored National Park. You can visit the breathtaking 3 step Changey Falls, Kolakham Village, Silent Valley Forests. You will come across lot of birds and animals on your way.
- Pambu- The latest addition to the tourist circuit is 3 Kms. away and offers a magnificent view of the Kanchenjunga Range.
We Help you book your sightseeing cars from our homestay in Samthar.
Q: What are the charges of staying at our Samthar homestay?
A: Rs 1400/- are the per head including of Stay & Meals. Meals include bed tea, breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner. Chicken Bar B Que with campfire however is at separate cost.